
JUDGES 審査員(Judges)


  • 金子憲顕(J MAX THEATEとやま 支配人)

  • 福田敬嗣(ラックプロ(株)/富山県映像関連事業社協会員)

  • 富山市学芸員

  • 富山市学芸員

  • 富山市まちづくり推進課長


  • 伊東順二(富山映像大賞総合プロデューサー)


    (c)Lorenzo Barassi x 伊ぃTOMO
  • 内田まほろ(一般財団法人JR東日本文化創造財団 TAKANAWA GATEWAY CITY 文化創造棟準備室長)

    2025年大阪・関西万博 テーマ事業シグネチャーパビリオン「いのちの未来」企画統括。
    Barbican Centerゲストキュレーター、グッドデザイン賞審査委員等。

  • 島敦彦(国立国際美術館 館長)


  • タニノクロウ(庭劇団ペニノ主宰、劇作・演出家)

    1976年富山県出身。庭劇団ペニノの主宰、劇作・演出家。2000年医学部在学中に庭劇団ペニノを旗揚げ。以降全作品の脚本・演出を手掛ける。ヨーロッパを中心に、国内外の主要な演劇祭に多数招聘。「地獄谷温泉 無明ノ宿」にて第60回岸田國士戯曲賞受賞、北日本新聞芸術選奨受賞、第71回文化庁芸術祭優秀賞受賞。2018年富山ひまわり賞、2019年第36回とやま賞文化・芸術部門受賞。2022年より富山市政策参与に就任。

  • 中島信也(東北新社エグゼクティブ・クリエイティブ・ディレクター/CM演出家)


  • 西村まさ彦(俳優)

    俳優。12月12日生まれ、富山県出身。近年では、映画『お終活 熟春!人生、百年時代の過ごし方』、映画『大河への道』、映画『バスカヴィル家の犬 シャーロック劇場版』などに出演。テレビではNHK BSプレミアムドラマ『白い濁流』、テレビ東京『警視庁考察一課』、ABCテレビ/テレビ朝日系列スペシャルドラマ『必殺仕事人』(2023)などがある。また富山県で私塾W.V.A.を主宰するほか市民参加型の演劇ワークショップを全国で監修している。

  • 本木克英(映画監督/日本映画監督協会理事長)


First judging


  • FUKUDA Takatsugu(LUCKPRO CO.,LTD/Menber of Visual Industry Association of Toyama)

  • Curator Toyama City

  • Curator Toyama City

  • Community Planning & Redevelopment Division Toyama City

Second judging and Final judging

  • ITO Junji(General producer Toyama Media Art International Triennale)

    Born in Nagasaki in 1953. Served as art producer, project planner of projects spanning across a wide range of fields such as exhibition planning, art, music, architecture, and urban development. Appointed as commissioner of the Japan Pavilion at the Venice Biennale in 1995, and producer for the “Japan Media Arts Festival Exhibition” from 2000 to 2001. Served as Professor at Toyama University from October 2004 to March 2013, and producer for the “Kanayamachi Rakuichi” from 2008 to 2012. Was the former Director of the Nagasaki Prefectural Art Museum, and is currently The Japan Cultural Institute in Paris committee member and Honorary Director of the Toyama Glass Art Museum. Also involved with policy measures of Toyama City. Serves as a Project Professor at the Tokyo University of the Arts. Toyama Prefecture Cultural Council Member.

    (c)Lorenzo Barassi x 伊ぃTOMO
  • UCHIDA Mahoro(Curator, Exhibition Producer.Head of Project for Center for Cultural Innovations at Takanawa Gateway City by East Japan Railway/Planning Director for Osaka/Kansai Expo. Future of Life Pavilion.)

    Specializes in the combined field of art, technology, and design, and promotes art & science projects. Actively involved with introducing Japanese culture through technological innovation, Worked at the Miraikan National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation, at the New York Museum of Modern Art (MoMA).Has participated in several museums, awards as a co-curator, jury, such as Barbican Center, Good Design Award.

  • SHIMA Atsuhiko(Director of The National Museum of Art, Osaka)

    Born in Toyama, 1956, and graduated from Waseda University in 1980. Having worked previously as a curator of the Museum of Modern Art, Toyama and The National Museum of Art, Osaka, as a director of Aichi Prefectual Museum of Art, 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa, arriving at a director of The National Museum of Art, Osaka in 2021.

  • TANINO Kuro(theatre director and writter, leader of the theater company Niwa Gekidan Penino)

    Born in Toyama, 1976. In 2000, while in medical school, he launched Niwa Gekidan Penino. Since then he has written and directed all of the productions. He has been invited to many major theather festivals in Japan and abroad, especially in Europe. For “Avidya-The Dark Inn” he received the 60th Kishida Kunio Drama Award, Kitanihon Shimbun Art Encouragement Award, and the 71st ACA National Arts Festival Excellence Award. Awarded the Toyama Sunflower Prize in 2018 and the 36th Toyama Award for Culture and Arts in 2019. Appointed as Toyama City Policy Advisor from 2022.

  • NAKAJIMA Shinya(TOHOKUSHINSHA FILM CORPORATION Executive Creative Director/Film Director)

    A Tokyoite born in 1959 in Fukuoka and raised in Osaka. Graduate of the Department of Visual Communication Design, Musashino Art University. Direction debut was in 1983, Received numerous awards. Nissin Foods “Hungry?” (Cannes Grand Prix), Suntory “Iyemon”, Airpay “Odagiri Joe Series”, AirWork “Hitoshi Matsumoto×Takayuki Yamada Series”, The Japan Commercial Broadcasters Association “Ihodayo. Ageru-kun” and others. Directed the movie “Ultraman Zearth” (’96), “Yazima Beauty Salon” (‘10).

  • NISHIMURA Masahiko(Actor)

    Professional Japanese actor born in Toyama prefecture on December 12th, 1960. He has appeared in countless films, TV shows and theatrical plays since the 80's. He has received multiple awards including Japan Academy Awards throughout his acting career. He has a reputation for fitting into diverse roles and often referred to as "Chameleon" actor. He also supervises multiple large-scale workshops for acting nation-wide.

  • MOTOKI Katsuhide(Movie Director/President of Directors Guild of Japan)

    Born in 1963 in Toyama. Joined Shochiku Co., Ltd. as assistant director in 1987 after graduating from School of Political Science and Economics, Waseda University.
    Studied under great directors such as Azuma Morisaki, Hiroshi Teshigahara, and Keisuke Kinoshita. After studying abroad in the United States and working as a producer, made debut as film director with “Tenamonya Shosha”. Has since been leading the film production industry as a director of the last generation of the Japanese film studio system through releasing many entertainment films and television drama programs. Received the Best Director Award of the Japan Academy Film Prize twice with “Samurai Hustle Returns” and “Recall”. Scheduled to release“Shylock’s Children”in February 2023.”
